Did you know that the right brain develops first? By measuring blood flow circulation within hemispheres, researchers have discovered that during the first three years of life, children are right brain dominant. It is only afterward that the balance tilts towards the left side. The seven-year mark is critical for left brain development; that it takes ample time for this balancing maturation in consciousness, for some children more than others. Hence the first seven years being recognized as such a vital period in child development — as the formative years.
~Vince Gowmon~
Yes, we agree that children develop their right brain first. That is why you will see that babies and toddlers are in love with play, music, dance and movements! The more play is given to them, the more their right brain develops and will eventually supports the growth of the left brain.
That is why in Ikid House, we have developed 2 entire different programs for children between baby to age 3 and age 4 to 6!